About Us


Hi, I’m Nathan!

I’m an entrepreneur with a background in Computer Science and Mathematics. In 2008 I read The Four Hour Workweek, and since then I’ve restructured my business to allow me to work from anywhere. In 2012 my wife and I took a one month test trip to Belize with our 7-month-old son. In 2016 we sold just about everything, jammed some clothes in a few backpacks, and hopped a flight to Paris.

We traveled the world for two years.

Now we’re in Savannah, GA, pondering the next big changes to our lifestyle.

Now I’m writing my first book. If you want to follow along as I write, swear up a storm, and sweat my way through it be sure to join my Facebook group.

I spend the rest of my time working on my business, kicking my own ass with CrossFit, mentoring a few aspiring entrepreneurs, and enjoying time with my family.

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter (@nblew), and Instagram (@nathanblew), where I post images, tips, and thoughts every day about trying, failing, and growing.

Feel free to hit me up at nathan@tryfailgrow.com with questions, comments, or suggestions.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!

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