Because we went to the Rodin museum and IT WAS AWESOME. And I’m gonna talk about it. At length. Here we go…
The Louvre, Musee D’Orsay, and the Pompidou Center will all forever hold their own special “museum places” in my heart. But the Musee Rodin will be the first place I visit (ok, maybe second after Berthillion) if and when we ever return to Paris.
Auguste Rodin found the strangest, most painful nooks in our sexual, murderous, hopeless, human hearts and he leaned into them with all he could muster. And some small part of that effort is sitting in a damned sweet house and garden in Paris. And you should see it before you die.
We clear? Good, let’s move on.

In addition to visiting Musee Rodin we also decided to bite the bullet and take the child WAY out past his bedtime so we could see some of Paris at night aboard one of the famous Bateaux Mouches.
The boats are huge and so was the crowd that crammed onto the 2nd-level open-air deck, but it was such a smooth, well-run operation that I hardly wanted to kill anyone. Which is a step forward for me in a large, selfie-stick-brandishing crowd.
It was a satisfying way to see the beauty of Paris at night. Words cannot describe how all of the bridges, the Place de la Concorde, the Louvre, Notre Dame, and of course, the Eiffel Tower, glowed at night. We tried to capture it in photos but the pics are just a pale shadow of the beauty we were privileged to see.

We didn’t get back to the apartment until late, so we slept in, had a late breakfast, and then headed out on a few errands.
One of the errands was to find a store that carried Hama Beads. Our host has 2 sons, 8 and 11, and they have a Hama Bead set. Braeden and J dug into it a couple of days ago and tried to make a picture of Stuart but we were short on yellow beads, so today we went out looking for some.

After a few dead-ends (Google Places for business isn’t very reliable as far as Parisian toy stores go, FYI) we finally were directed to BHV, a monster department store in the Marais.
[Aside: on the way we got a bit hungry and Juliann hadn’t had breakfast, so we stopped into Boulangerie La Parisienne, the 2016 winner for best baguette in Paris. J got a mini Pain au Chocolate, and I got a Croissant aux Amandes to share with the boy as a treat.
The pastry in this country is going to kill me if I let my guard down. I have one maybe every 2-3 days and I need to get out before it becomes an everyday habit. It was soooooo good. Buttery. Sweet. Savory. Damn. I wish I had one right now.
Anyway, time to end this aside before things get out of hand.]
We wound our way to the Loisirs Creatifs section of BHV, found the elusive beads, and headed home. We had a nice lunch, the boy and Juliann took a nap while I hit the gym, and they both worked on Stuart while I cooked dinner.
All in all, a successful day.

Interview With A Toddler
If you’ve been following our adventures in Paris you know that in two days we leave for Normandy and then we move on to spend the next six weeks in other parts of France. To commemorate our last few days in Paris we thought we would hear from everyone’s favorite 4-year-old Blew, the Master Braeden himself.
(Note: this interview has been heavily and liberally edited to prevent gouging of eyes, rending of clothes, and gnashing of teeth by our readers)
J: So what is your favorite building in the whole city? You can only pick one.
B: Ummmmm…The Arc de Triomphe, aaaaand Notre Dame, and the Eiffel Tower…
J: Ok, so why do you like the Arc de Triomphe?
B: [makes unspecific hand gestures then bursts into maniacal laughter]
J: Can you explain the gestures you’re making? Why do you like it?
B: Because, ummmmm, it has all kinds of sculptures all over it.
J: And why do you love Notre Dame?
B: [pause, then quietly, with reverence] The bell towers.
N: We’ve been in Paris now for a month. What was your favorite thing out of all the things we’ve done so far?
B: Minion, minion, minion! [Making Stuart the Minion out of beads]
N: How many stores do you think we went to today to try to find those beads?
B: Eleven. [Actual number: 3]
N: Eleven stores? [J laughs] It felt like it.
Barbara Walters we ain’t. Maybe next time we’ll conduct our interview way before bedtime, and not right after a filling meal. You live some and you learn some.
Tomorrow we’re doing laundry and getting our last-minute errands done before we check out of our apartment in the Latin Quarter and say goodbye to Paris on Wednesday. We have a few things we want to do in the city before we leave, so if we’re feeling frisky we’ll do a little touristing, otherwise we’re ok with taking it easy.
The next time we write we’ll most likely be in Normandy, so au revoir for now and we’ll see you on the other side.