
Do you remember Plastic Man?

He was a comic book hero who dressed in red spandex (what else?) and white-framed sunglasses.  His super power was the ability to stretch into any shape imaginable, and he used it to foil evildoers and drive his super-powered friends batty.

You my friend, are Plastic Woman (or Plastic Man, if you prefer to be quite that plastic.)

You have the ability to stretch yourself into just about any shape you can imagine.  All of us do.  Look at all the amazing things human beings can become.

Gymnasts who dazzle with tumbles and flips.  Powerlifters who transform themselves into giants capable of lifting more than a thousand pounds.

Parkour experts who can leap from multistory buildings.  Free divers who can descend hundreds of feet below the ocean’s surface on a single breath of air.

Chess players who can memorize dozens of games at a time.  Mathematicians who can solve differential equations in their heads.  Teenagers who can crack a Rubik’s cube in seconds.

We’re surrounded by people who have pushed the limits of human abilities and created something new and incredible.

There are, of course, those who have natural abilities far beyond that of the average person.  But average people like you and me can be so much more than average.

Far, far more.

So what shape do you want to be?  What do you want to become?


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